Duales Ausbildungssystem

How China implement Duales Ausbildungssystem

A Duales Ausbildungssystem combines apprenticeships in a company and vocational education at a vocational school or MOOC in one course.

It provides students both theoretical knowledge and up-to-date technical practice, therefore directly benefits the host companies, without further targeted training.

The Central Government issued 

Implementation plan for the national reform of vocational education and training(国家职业教育改革实施方案)

 early this year, officially entering the reforming stage of vocational training. As a archetype of  successfully implementing Duales Ausbildungssystem, Germany Ausbildungsschulen have a marketing opening for transferring knowledge and practice model to Chinese counterparts.

What can we provide:

  • Targeted Chinese vocational schools for cooperation.
  • Apprentices transferring between Germany and China
  • Chinese vocational Teachers Training at our Partner Schools
  • Organizing Management Forum for bilateral vocational schools.
  • Scouting for new campus location in China.
  • Paring with local Companies.

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